Fiona Gray
Hannah Grist
Hannah uses found objects to produce work which explores the idea of containment. She looks at both wider attempts at containment, such as authorities seeking to contain and control a virus or environmental change, as well as more personal, insular means of containment, such as attempts to contain anxiety or other sensations which manifest within the body.
Hannah balances, drills, welds and punctures objects in order to explore this- to get across a sense of unease, panic or disorder. She leaves much of the original condition of the found object visible to the eye, evidence of their past use- or misuse- intrinsic to her work. In so doing, Hannah aims to transfer fleeting immaterial interior emotions into something physical and tangible; objectified allegories of human emotion and endeavours.
More recently, due to the complete closure of workshops and studios at the ECA, Hannah has been transferring such themes to collage. She uses house magazine clippings to piece together animated compositions which reflect her state of mind during the pandemic, spending most of her time indoors in an enclosed space. These collages resemble tricks of the imagination and appear on first glance humorous- yet they reflect a distressing and sobering truth.